The latest movie starring Akash Puri as the hero, 'Romantic' is also expected to hit the OTT platform Amazon Prime. The upcoming film directed by young director Anil Paduri is ready with the first copy. It is known that senior heroine Ramya Krishnan is also playing a key role in this movie. The film stars Aakash Puri as the hero and Ketika Sharma as the heroine. The film opens as a mafia themed love story.
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We have to see if Akash Puri will get a hit with this movie. The film is being co-produced by Puri Jagannath and Charmi on Puri Jagannath Touring Talkies and Puri Connects flagship. Next week, the film crew will complete the balance shoot for the patchwork at Annapurna Studio in Hyderabad. With this schedule, the movie will be complete.
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