Mahesh Babu, who recently received super success with 'Sarileru Neekevvaru'. Now the social message is getting ready with a strong storyline. The audience is going to come up with the movie 'Sarkaru Vaari Paata' directed by Parshuram. Recently, the film's pre-look and motion poster released a huge hype on the film unit. Since then, there is various news about Mahesh's character in the movie. Another interesting update is going viral in this order.
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Parshuram who has written a strong story for this movie The hero is planned to show the thrill of two different characters Mahesh will be doing a dual role in this regard. Mahesh's performance in both soft and hard is said to miss the audience. As well as plenty of comedy scenes, the theaters are taking care of the music that is going to be in the atmosphere. The film is reported to have given special attention to The Best of Mahesh career.
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The film has already confirmed Keerthi Suresh as a heroine, and another heroine has a scope. Parshuram is going to give a valuable message focusing on banking scams. Mythri Movie Makers, GMB Entertainment, and 14 Reels Plus are jointly presenting this 'Sarkaru Vaari Paata' movie. Thaman music is being provided. The film will be the 27th film of Mahesh's career and the regular shoot will start soon.