Disha Patani is currently starring in the movie Prabhas. Nag Ashwin's 'Project K' updates with star cast like Prabhas, Amitabh Bachchan, and Deepika Padukone are now going viral on social media. Disha Patani has now made an entry in this movie set. Disha Patani was shocked to see the lunch items sent to her by Prabhas.
"Thanks for spoiling us by putting food like this," she commented. The heroines actually maintain a very high diet and come to zero sizes. That's the situation if such heroines are given food like this. That's why Disha said, "Thanks for spoiling themselves."
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Disha Patani along with Disha Patani, Prabhas is killing everyone with his love by putting food like this. In the past, In the past, he sent similar food to the members of the 'Adipurush' movie team and also sent food to Amitabh and Deepika Padukone in Bahubali Range as part of 'Project K' movie. Our Prabhas hand is actually big and sending all kinds of food items like this makes everyone fall in love with that hospitality.
Prabhas rested after the Radhe Shyam disaster. Prabhas recently returned to Hyderabad after taking a short break abroad. Soon after, he was involved in the shooting of Project K. After completing this schedule, take some rest again It seems that Prabhas will join in the salaar shooting.
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Everyone expects the 'Salaar' movie to come out this year. We have not received any update regarding the director Maruthi & Prabhas project till now.